The Explorer Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta. ... Life is too short.We daily do our normal routine activities. Then one day we think "ohh'' that too boring. Let's go and explore something new, lets go somewhere where your mind becomes fresh, lets forget each and every thing for a moment. So when this come to my mind , i quickly think where to go. For this the first place comes to my mind is always England. Yes , it's refreshing, it's mind blowing, and it's give u immense pleasure to relax in a lush green and clean and cool atmosphere of England. London So i decided to spend my holidays in UK. I have been there many times but every time i feel fresh when i think of travelling to UK. The first place which comes in my mind is London, wow , yes a place which has a rich history. “The vibe of London as a city is captivating. It’s both fast-paced and extremely rushed but still has the calmness that woul...